Make an appointment at
Halabi & Associates




See our consultation rates and fee policy below



Complete the online questionnaire before your appointment, based on your current situation



Make an appointment online via our website, or by phone with our collaborator

How to book an appointment?

Our consultation fees

Our consultation fees


Amount deducted from the fees of the procedure should the file be opened within 48 hours of sending the legal notice following the consultation*
  • Medical or humanitarian regularization
  • Renewal of residence & work permit

Exclusively with Ms. Halabi


Amount deducted from the fees of the procedure should the file be opened within 48 hours of sending the legal notice following the consultation*
  • Announcing Visa
  • Single permit/blue card/work permit
  • Professional card / investment
  • Change of status
  • Citizenship
  • Unlimited/permanent stay
  • Family reunification
  • Marriage and legal cohabitation
  • Recognition of children
  • Student and post-study residence
  • Application for continued residence/right to be heard

If the consultation for this type of file does not exceed 30 minutes , the consultation will be charged at €250 instead of €350.

The difference will be

  • either deducted from the opening fee
  • or refunded

What does our consultation fee include?



Fill out the online questionnaire.

This step is mandatory

  • Creation of a contact sheet for each client in our file management system for optimal follow-up

  • Time saving focus and consultations that are 100% dedicated to the strategy of your case

  • Review of each situation prior to scheduling an appointment to assess the length of consultation required and whether a procedure is possible

  • Preparation for the consultation by your lawyer several hours before the appointment, research on your situation, analysis of your documents before the first consultation

We therefore recommend that you send us a copy of all the decisions you have previously received.

Here are the recommendations to help you complete the questionnaire

  1. Choose the type of questionnaire that is appropriate for your situation
  2. Fill in the questionnaire fields accurately
  3. The questionnaire must be completed for/by the person for whom the application will be made

General information required for all types of files:

  • First and last name of the person applying
  • Nationality
  • Country of residence and if in Belgium, address
  • Contact telephone number
  • Email Contact
  • Residence status of the person: illegal or legal residence (if possible specify the type of residence documents)
  • Description of your situation (this is the most important part): please explain when you arrived in Belgium, the reason why you are consulting us, if you have already completed applications in the past (and their results), if you have family in Belgium …The more precise the description of the situation, the better we can prepare the questionnaire and elaborate a strategy
  • You would like to receive information by email: it allows us to keep you informed of any changes in the law or procedures. It is therefore recommended to subscribe to this service.

Specific information to be indicated in the description of the situation according to the type of procedure:

For a marriage file, legal cohabitation, acknowledgment of parentage, family reunification : please specify the nationality of the spouse/partner/child

For a single permit application : please specify the type of function, your qualifications, the residence status of the worker (in Belgium: legal or illegal residence/indicate if presently abroad)

For an economic immigration file or for family or other reasons : please indicate if you have assets or regular income (eg, rent, dividends, pension…) in Belgium or abroad, which would allow you to be considered as “having sufficient resources.”

For a nationality application : please specify the number of years of legal residence, the type of residence permit, and your socio-economic integration (work, training, studies, etc.)

For a nationality application : please specify the number of years of legal residence, the type of residence permit and your socio-economic integration (work, training, studies, etc.)

For a humanitarian or medical regularization application : please indicate if you have already submitted applications in the past (please specify) and describe your medical or humanitarian situation.

If you have any difficulties (technical or otherwise) in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Lena in our administration department at 02/5031217, she will be happy to help you.


Please fill out only one form , to be chosen based on your current situation

Once the questionnaire has been completed and sent, you can make an appointment



Make an appointment online via our website, or by phone with one of our collaborators, choosing to meet with us either

In person at our office

Amount of the consultation to be paid at the office on the day of your appointment

By video

Amount of the consultation to be paid remotely via stripe with bank card

Or by contacting our administrative department at 02/503.12.17

MONDAY AND TUESDAY from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5 pm
WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY from 1:30 pm to 5 pm

OR on our website for an appointment with Ms. Halabi only

Our fee policy

Except for legal proceedings*, we apply a fixed VAT flat rate per type of procedure

* Marriage refusal, legal cohabitation, acknowledgment of parentage...

What are the advantages of the package?

Our packages offer different benefits, so you can manage your budget

How are our packages calculated?

What do the plans include and what costs are covered? This package is always communicated during the first appointment and confirmed in the legal notice sent.

Breakdown of fees

The package is generally divided into 2 or 3 installments, after the first consultation

*Court proceedings

We practice a mixed formula including all our services until the first hearing.
Then we bill at an hourly rate

What are the advantages of the package?

Includes all the services necessary the case's success

No unpleasant surprises due to extra charges

Transparency and clarity

Watch the video instructions​

How are our packages calculated?


The value offered to the client: residence permit, work, Belgian social security, health care (in the case of a positive outcome)


The firm has a proven experience of 22 years in the field


The firm has received recognition as “specialist in immigration law” by the Brussels Bar Association

Time spent

The average time spent on each type of procedure, depending on its complexity, including follow-up with clients and responses to their e-mails during their procedure (often lasting at least 3 months to 1 year)

Internal costs

Internal costs (administration, software and computer management tools, training, various legal subscriptions, etc.)

Breakdown of fees into 4 stages of processing your case


First consultation

Amount deducted from the fees of the procedure in case of opening of the file within 48 days of sending the legal notice following the consultation*.
  • Nationality
  • Unlimited/permanent stay
  • Family reunification
  • Legal cohabitation
  • Acknowledgment of parenting
  • Medical or humanitarian regularization
  • Single license
  • Professional card
  • Residence or visa cancellation
  • Student stay
  • Change of status
  • Renewal of residence or work permit
  • * Franchise of the procedure


Preparatory phase

The purpose of this phase is to ensure the case's feasibility and chance of success, based on an analysis of the documents submitted by the client.
  • Analysis of the file
  • Application to and examination of your file by the Office des Étrangers (Foreigner's Office) and your previous counsel (if applicable)
  • Sending the list of necessary documents as well as the relevant information to build your file
  • Verification and support to complete the file until it is optimal
  • Recommendations to complete the file or improve its chances of success, if necessary
  • Answering questions related to putting the file together (only by email)
  • 1, 15/20 minute telephone call to answer any questions


Drafting and launching the procedure
  • Re-checking all documents
  • Legal research adapted to your case, if necessary
  • Drafting of a request with reasons in fact and in law
  • Reviewing of the in-house application by Ms. Halabi
  • Sending the request to the client for validation
  • Adapting the application on the basis of eventual remarks
  • Preparing the signed application, its classified annexes, and sending it by PDF in order to submit it to the competent authority


Follow-up until final decision

Success fee in the event of a positive decision except for renewals of stay or change of status, or for requests to maintain stay
  • Sending emails to the various competent authorities to verify receipt of the file
  • Intervention at each important stage of the procedure with the competent authority
  • Regular follow-ups thanks to our workflow system
  • Sending of additional information at the request of the competent authorities and/or in case of a change in the client's situation
  • Answers to emails related to the current procedure until the final decision
  • Sending of instructions for the follow-up of the file in case of success of the procedure or analysis of the decision and proposal of written strategy in case of denial


Customer Testimonials

"Thank you very much, Ms. Halabi, for everything. You have been faithful to your reputation, which is to say that you and your team have been professional from the first contact until the end of the management of my file, very sincerely. [You] do an exceptional job, very sincerely and deeply, thank you."
Customer, 5 star review
"I did business with the law firm of Halabi & Associates. They were beyond incredible to deal with. Timeliness of work, credibility of work, quick to answer all questions, and their cooperation with clients. I would not hesitate to work with them again . They were very kind in helping us with our case. I would highly recommend them."
Customer, 5 star review
"Quite simply the best! Ms. Halabi fought for me tooth and nail. In the end, she won the case. A great professional with a lot of experience. She followed the case to the millimeter and had excellent client communication (she always replied to my e-mails with incredible speed). It's a shame we can't put more stars. I would have gladly put 10."
Customer, 5 star review
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